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Digital solution for a sustainable future.

See how we can contribute to the green transition together.


Green transition — investment projects fully aligned with SDGs.


Key importance of ESIA in green financing.

Future sustainability - green transition

To reach accountable investment decisions, it is crucial to have an extensive sustainability analysis, which considers low-impact alternatives within the project design. This provides a firm foundation for sustainable operations and high-quality ESG reporting throughout a project life-time.

On the path towards a low-carbon energy and circular economy, we should not forget that true sustainability is ensured only if green projects are fully aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Environmental and Social

Impact Assessment (ESIA) is well established planning and appraisal process that use a holistic and detailed approach. As such ESIA has a potential to be a key enabler of green financing and sustainable development.

Although, it exhibits challenges as it is usually:

EIA is a long and inefficient process

A long and inefficient


EIA with low participation of the public

 With low participation

of the public

EIA is sometimes biased and non-transparent

Sometimes biased and


Now, digital systems can significantly help in overcoming the challenges and reaching the full aims of the ESIA in relation to SDGs.

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Envigo — unique and highly adaptable  digital impact assessment platform.

Envigo software tool for EIA
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Digital EIA - Envigo knowledge management platform for EIA and ESIA

Envigo digital EIA methods, datasets and tools empower knowledge and resources management. The features improve and expedite the ESIA reporting, multi-stakeholders review as well as approval processes.

Envigo in line with EIA and ESIA standards and guidelines

Envigo is in line with UN SDGs, Equator Principles, IFC performance standards, EU EIA Directive, and other international resources.

Unique digital approach allows for comprehensive analysis of project alternatives, cumulative impacts and ecosystem services.

Envigo ESIA adaptibility

Furthemore, the platform is agile and inherently adaptable for various requirements at different levels: from project-location specifics, particular client needs, up to different (inter)national statutory standards.

Mockup Report - Home Page

Envigo — substantial benefits for all stakeholders.

Digital solution Envigo can substantially help in making the ESIA process more time and cost efficient, objective and transparent.

Envigo digital stakeholders engagement and virtual communication in Environemntal and Social Impact Assessment ESIA

"...Our team is confident that the Envigo platform will be the future of international environmental impacts assessment and is committed to collaborating with Eon+ in utilizing Envigo as part of ERMs repertoire of technological tools."

Envigo expert user

David Waayers

Partner – LCET Lead/Biodiversity Specialist (ERM)

Envigo supports well-informed and responsible decision-making and promotes good communication and collaboration of all parties involved in ESIA — project proponents, environmental and social experts, financing lenders, authorities and the public, all at a single digital spot.

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